Category: Kurma Mariami Green Diamond

High fiber foods

  Fiber is one of the substances needed by the body, which is very nutritious and has high properties. Fiber is mostly found in plant foods and fruits. Pears Pear is one of the most popular fruits in the whole world. A special type of pear, called Asian pear, stores a lot of fiber. So […]

What is healthy nutrition?

    It has probably happened to you that you decided to start a healthy diet, but you didn’t know which foods to include in the program and which ones to exclude. For a healthy diet, you should include a variety of foods from the major food groups in your plan. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, […]

Quick Healthy Breakfast Suggestions For Kids

Baked apples with cinnamon, cream and walnuts To prepare a breakfast with a pleasant taste and aroma, peel some red apples and allow them to be slowly half-cooked the night before. Then, before serving breakfast, put the cooked apples in a dish and decorate it with a spoonful of cream, two walnuts, honey and a […]