Fiber is very important and in addition to helping digestion, it also provides various benefits in the large intestine by helping beneficial bacteria.
Different types of fiber may cause weight loss, lower blood sugar and prevent constipation.
Doctors recommend consuming 14 grams of fiber per thousand calories, which means women should consume at least 24 grams and men 38 grams of fiber per day.
Unfortunately, 95% of children and adults do not follow this amount, and the average daily consumption of fiber is only 16.2 grams.
But fortunately, it is very easy to get this useful substance, and by including a few food items in your diet, you can be sure of getting your minimum daily fiber.
Fiber is one of the substances needed by the body, which is very nutritious and has high properties. Fiber is mostly found in plant foods and fruits. Unfortunately, today’s diets are low in fiber and people are consuming fewer fruits and vegetables. Foods that are high in fiber are used for weight loss and slimming.
Of course, food manufacturing companies add fiber to many of the ingredients they produce. Next, we will examine fiber and high-fiber foods.
What is fiber?
Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate, consuming it has many benefits for the human body. As mentioned earlier, fiber is abundant in plant foods, grains, and fruits.
The thing about this useful food is that its digestion and absorption in the human digestive system is not done completely, that is, if you consume a lot of fiber, you will only get a very small amount of it.
We can divide fibers into two general groups, water-soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Soluble fibers have the ability to dissolve in water. This fiber can absorb a lot of water in the stomach and turn into a jelly.
Insoluble fiber, because it does not dissolve in body fluids, leaves the digestive tract almost intact.
These two types of fiber are found together in most foods that are rich in fiber. That is, by consuming foods that are rich in fiber, you will actually get both types of fiber.
High fiber foods
Plants have a type of tissue system called background tissue system. In this system, there is a kind of elongated and hardened parts called fiber. Of course, there are also fibrous strands in the structure of fruits and plants. In fact, fiber is the long parts of the sclerenchyma tissue of plants.