Properties of olive oil in keeping hair healthy

Everyone knows about the significance of olive oil. Almost whenever it comes to a healthy diet, olive oil is a great player. The oil, both healthy and delicious, has long been known as healthy oil in the world.

Benefits and properties of olive oil for hair

The use of olive oil to strengthen and beautify hair has been popular among people since the past until today, and its wonderful effects cannot be ignored, the positive effects include:

Olive oil in combination with several other ingredients helps to keep hair healthy. Olive oil contains vitamin E and fights hair loss. Honey also moisturizes the scalp. Also, nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, sulfate, calcium and B vitamins are suitable for hair growth, all of which reach the hair through this combination.

Suitable hair mask using olive oil


Half a cup of olive oil

Two tablespoons of honey

One egg yolk

  • How to prepare

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly to make a soft mask and then apply this mixture to the hair.

Wait for 20 minutes and then wash your hair with lukewarm water.

After that you can use a conditioner.

Dates fruits, too, are rich in iron, which increases blood circulation in the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth. Iron plays an important role in blood supply, and blood is needed to carry oxygen throughout the body, including the scalp. Pengedar Kurma Shah Alam prevents hair loss and helps you have healthy hair. Therefore, if you are looking for natural hair growth, do not neglect the properties of olive and dates.