Category: Kurma Mariami Malaysia

Dates suppliers

Nature’s Sweetness: Dates as Natural Sweeteners in Malaysia

In a world where refined sugars dominate diets, explore a healthier way to sweeten dishes. In Malaysia, dates have been cherished for centuries and emerged as excellent natural sweeteners. This article delves into dates as healthy sweeteners, highlighting their benefits in Malaysian cuisine. Discover date options, including Kurma Mariami Malaysia, and unlock a fresh perspective […]

Quick Healthy Breakfast Suggestions For Kids

Baked apples with cinnamon, cream and walnuts To prepare a breakfast with a pleasant taste and aroma, peel some red apples and allow them to be slowly half-cooked the night before. Then, before serving breakfast, put the cooked apples in a dish and decorate it with a spoonful of cream, two walnuts, honey and a […]