The most common definition of a “dates fruit” is, “a large round fruit with seeds”. Sounds like an over use of the word fruit to me. It’s not hard to translate the actual meaning of the word into dates. Dates are fruits that are eaten in their raw form. They are not high in calories and do not have a sweet taste like many other fruits.
The “dates fruit definition” would be more accurately described as, “an oblong-shaped indigenously grown tropical tree bearing edible dates. The date palm fruit is cultivated in the coastal regions of North Africa, Europe, India, Malaysia, Singapore and western parts of Asia”. The trees are known to be prolifically affected by insects such as Scoli, Pilocarpus santalinus, and Hyoscyamus. These pests destroy the palms before the date palms can produce any edible products.
The seeds from the dates are dried and then used to prepare various meals throughout the world. There are many recipes for dates available, including ones for diabetic diets, desserts, breads, pastas, sweets, ice cream, and even energy and weight loss drinks. In addition, the dates are also commonly used in Asian cuisine to add a sour and slightly bitter flavor to food. For example, instead of adding sugar or artificial sweeteners, which can be bad for diabetics, many Asian cuisines use dates as a substitute for sugar or honey.
Dates are in high demand throughout the world. The United States alone exports over a million dates annually. These dates can be used in cooking, baking, for pickling and preserved, as well as in juices and dessert toppings. The juice from dates can be used as a natural alternative to sugar in many fruit smoothies, and the dates themselves can be used in recipes for pickles and preserves. Many manufacturers use these dates to give their products a crunchy texture without adding excess sugar. They can be used to make raisins, and also in salsas and dips.
When it comes to spreads, the flavorings that are added to the spread are usually made from dates. In addition, dried apricots are sometimes added to deserts and other snack snacks. The flavored chips that are made from dates are often used in a savory flavor with some type of milk or cream base. However, the chips can also be used as a puree for meats, such as pork.
For the most part, when speaking of the fruit definition for dates, the American Kennel Club’s “dates as fresh fruits” definition is considered to be the most accurate. While the description in that definition does state that the dates are only available in the flesh form, it does leave open the possibility for dried dates, which are technically included in that definition. In addition, dried fruits include dried apples, pears, mangoes, and other forms of skinless fruits. In general, dried fruits are not comparable to dates in taste or texture. That being said, they do have certain similarities in that they are all soft and do come in various forms (although there is considerable difference in thickness).
When speaking of consistency when it comes to the dried fruit definition for dates, the majority of dates will retain the wetness of their interior when fully ripe. They will not loose much of the wetness of the exterior, and while they will lose some of their moisture, it will be very minimal. In addition, most commonly used dates in cooking and baking recipes will retain much of their moisture.
Dried fruits are also very good when it comes to preserving the flavor of other foods that would otherwise be lost if eaten fresh. Dried fruits can be used in many different types of preserves and jellies. Some people prefer to use them as the base for their own signature deserts, while others will also include dates in their own creations. Many bakeries and cookbooks also include several different recipes using dates as their main ingredients. The fact that they have a lot of sugar and are high in oil make them excellent for high-fat and oily foods. For this reason, they can also be used as a replacement for butter when cooking or baking anything that needs to be cooked or baked on top of a piece of dark chocolate or sugar.